The species I’d like to discuss is one you may have heard
of. If you have, it’s a name you’re not
likely to forget: the Blue-Footed Booby.
It just fully occurred to me where this post is going, and
I’m not sure that I like it. My
apprehension comes not from the mention of “poo” or “Booby,” as you might
expect, but rather from the dismal conclusion that could easily be drawn. Alas, as Dana would attest, writing is about
taking leaps, and so I take one now. I
hope to leave you with the notion that nature is both wondrous in its balance
and economy, and utterly without human passions, despite what we might hope.
If you travel to the Galapagos Islands ,
Blue-Footed Boobies will be among the most obvious of the animals you see. Not only do they possess, as their name
implies, a fairly striking natural pedicure, but many of them seem to be
sitting on the bulls-eyes of big, white targets. Further inspection will reveal that the
volcanic landscape has not been modified by a rogue line-painter into some
bizarre sporting arena. Rather, the
birds have made the rings themselves – by spraying guano in all directions!
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"This is embarrassing." |
The “guano rings,” as it turns out, are part of the homes of
these ground-nesting birds. Each mother
sits inside her ring, placidly warming her chicks, apparently oblivious to the
gawking tourists who snap photographs mere feet from her face. When Gould was in the Galapagos, he was
surprised enough by the Booby behavior that he decided to do a bit of
“research.” He approached a nest with
caution, inching toward the circle while the mother stared into space. Eventually, he toed the line. Still no response. Finally, as his toe moved imperceptibly
forward, it reached an invisible line within the circle. The reaction was immediate: frantic
squawking, flapping and pecking. Every
time he repeated the toe experiment the same thing would happen.
The Boobies operate on a very simple strategy of nest
protection: if something lies inside the nest, nurture it. If it is outside, ignore it. If it crosses the line, attack. Unfortunately, this applies even to a bird’s
own chicks, which have been observed cheeping helplessly mere inches from a guano
ring as their mother sits proudly atop the rest of her clutch. People who have seen such things are
incredulous. How could she be so
cruel? So Stupid? They want to put the chick back in the nest,
but it is forbidden – things in nature tend to happen for a reason.
A mother Booby lays between one and three eggs per clutch, one-at-a-time. They hatch in the order that they are laid,
so that the oldest is always biggest.
Often, the mother raises all of her chicks to adulthood without a
hitch. Occasionally though, and this is
where the post takes a turn for the appalling, the first-born chick will push
his or her younger siblings out of the nest, across the short expanse of rock,
and over the invisible line, condemning them to death. The mother will continue to raise the
first-born. She will pay the others no
mind at all.
When I hear things like this, I feel a physical pain in my
gut. The suffering of little, fuzzy
creatures is the worst thing I can imagine.
But the world beyond humanity does not share my concepts of justice,
good and evil, right and wrong. The
oldest Booby is not a psychopath; his mother is not deranged. They are two hungry birds in an environment
that does not contain enough food to support two or three nestlings, so one of
them does what must be done to prevent the death of the entire clutch.
I admit I hadn’t intended to leave you with such a sobering
meditation on the apathy of nature.
Truth be told, I was hoping to make some poop jokes and leave you with a
laugh or two. Alas, what’s done is
done. Besides, it’s sometimes valuable
to remember that life isn’t fair. It
helps us to cope when things go wrong in our personal lives. It also makes watching that chase scene from
Planet Earth a little more bearable. In
any case, I hope you’ve enjoyed this Bio 490 project or ours, and I’m sure many
of us hope to keep blogging in the future.
Thanks for reading.
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Mike, your photo captions are always so funny.
ReplyDeleteIf there's an award for best blog title of the semester, this is the winner.